In questa sezione sono presenti le pubblicazioni suddivise per anni
SC Unità di Epidemiologia
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Survival of European adolescents and young adults diagnosed with cancer
Survival of European adolescents and young adults diagnosed with cancer
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 4.51 MB
Stima dei decessi attribuibili all'inquinamento a Milano
Stima dei decessi attribuibili all'inquinamento a Milano
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 1022.7 KB
Complete cancer prevalence in Europe by country 2020
Complete cancer prevalence in Europe by country 2020
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 1.32 MB
Fattori predittivi della mancata adesione allo screening
Fattori predittivi della mancata adesione allo screening
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 453 KB
How to recognize pulmonary embolism in syncope patients
How to recognize pulmonary embolism in syncope patients
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 1.14 MB
Are autopsies on minors a taboo
Are autopsies on minors a taboo
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 983.68 KB
Long-term survival for lymphoid neoplasms and health expenditure
Long-term survival for lymphoid neoplasms and health expenditure
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 613.29 KB
Low Response Rate and Socioeconomic Bias in Survey Non-Response
Low Response Rate and Socioeconomic Bias in Survey Non-Response
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 685.6 KB
Estimating cure and risk of death from other causes of cancer patients
Estimating cure and risk of death from other causes of cancer patients
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 974.15 KB
Estimating complete cancer in Europe
Estimating complete cancer in Europe
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 5.18 MB
Riduzione degli outcome sfavorevoli da COVID-19
Riduzione degli outcome sfavorevoli da COVID-19
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 1.35 MB
The long-term effects of hospitalization on health care expenditures
The long-term effects of hospitalization on health care expenditures
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 612.42 KB
Approximate Bayesian computation for the natural history of breast cancer
Approximate Bayesian computation for the natural history of breast cancer
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 2.1 MB
Are autopsies on minors a taboo The experience of Milan in a 19-year
Are autopsies on minors a taboo The experience of Milan in a 19-year
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 1001.74 KB
How to recognize pulmonary embolism in syncope patients
How to recognize pulmonary embolism in syncope patients
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 1.13 MB
Trends in mortality 0–19 years in Europe
Trends in mortality 0–19 years in Europe
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 1.73 MB
Cancer data quality in Europe BENCHISTA Project
Cancer data quality in Europe BENCHISTA Project
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 2.26 MB
Booster e distanza dall’ultima dose vaccinale anti-COVID-19
Booster e distanza dall’ultima dose vaccinale anti-COVID-19
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 347.01 KB
Long-Term Survivors of Adolescent and Young Adult Hematological Cancers
Long-Term Survivors of Adolescent and Young Adult Hematological Cancers
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 319.82 KB
Exploring gender differences in hypertensive patients
Exploring gender differences in hypertensive patients
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 1.5 MB
Time-series cohort study to forecast emergency department visits
Time-series cohort study to forecast emergency department visits
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 1.1 MB
Survival for children and young with leukaemia analysis from 61 countries CONCORD-3
Survival for children and young with leukaemia analysis from 61 countries CONCORD-3
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 2.38 MB
Indirect impact of the COVID-19
Indirect impact of the COVID-19
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 871.04 KB
A Comparison Between Omicron and Earlier COVID-19 Variants’ Disease Severity
A Comparison Between Omicron and Earlier COVID-19 Variants’ Disease Severity
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 582.2 KB
Worldwide trends in survival for children and young adults with leukaemia
Worldwide trends in survival for children and young adults with leukaemia
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 1.62 MB
Identify deaths due to COVID-19
Identify deaths due to COVID-19
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 677.01 KB
Mortalità 2020 specifici per causa nell’ ATS di Milano
Mortalità 2020 specifici per causa nell’ ATS di Milano
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 2.52 MB
Global survival trends for brain tumors by histology
Global survival trends for brain tumors by histology
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 605.16 KB
The histology of brain tumors CONCORD-3
The histology of brain tumors CONCORD-3
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 338.12 KB
Association Between Smoking And Cancers Among Women
Association Between Smoking And Cancers Among Women
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 373.32 KB
Descrizione dell’andamento dell’epidemia di COVID-19 nell’ATS di Milano
Descrizione dell’andamento dell’epidemia di COVID-19 nell’ATS di Milano
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 1.96 MB
Evaluation of the anti-COVID-19 vaccination campaign
Evaluation of the anti-COVID-19 vaccination campaign
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 335.81 KB
Exposure to traffic-borne pollution as a risk factor for acute cardiocerebrovascular events
Exposure to traffic-borne pollution as a risk factor for acute cardiocerebrovascular events
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 390.5 KB
Identifying chromosomal anomalies using current health database
Identifying chromosomal anomalies using current health database
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 174.5 KB
Impact of Individual Characteristics and Socioeconomic Status during the COVID-19
Impact of Individual Characteristics and Socioeconomic Status during the COVID-19
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 766.56 KB
Metabolic syndrome and risk of COVID-19-related hospitalization
Metabolic syndrome and risk of COVID-19-related hospitalization
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 489.59 KB
Multivariable model predicting mortality risk from comorbidities in COVID-19 cases
Multivariable model predicting mortality risk from comorbidities in COVID-19 cases
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 230.28 KB
Prevalence of cardiovascular metabolic liver and autoimmune diseases
Prevalence of cardiovascular metabolic liver and autoimmune diseases
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 813.36 KB
Risk of thyroid as a first or second primary cancer
Risk of thyroid as a first or second primary cancer
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 559.24 KB
Strategy to identify priority groups for COVID-19 vaccination
Strategy to identify priority groups for COVID-19 vaccination
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 780.93 KB
Strategy to reduce adverse health outcomes
Strategy to reduce adverse health outcomes
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 284.65 KB
The Economic Impact of Rectal Cancer: A Population-Based Study in Italy List of Authors
The Economic Impact of Rectal Cancer: A Population-Based Study in Italy List of Authors
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 885.57 KB
Valutazione della campagna vaccinale anti-COVID-19
Valutazione della campagna vaccinale anti-COVID-19
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 348.56 KB
Effectiveness and Safety of Non-Vitamin K Oral Anticoagulants
Effectiveness and Safety of Non-Vitamin K Oral Anticoagulants
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 251.96 KB
Hyper hypoglycaemia in diabetic population
Hyper hypoglycaemia in diabetic population
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 662.06 KB
Influenza vaccination behavior and media reporting of adverse events
Influenza vaccination behavior and media reporting of adverse events
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 1.18 MB
Legionnaires disease outbreak in Italy
Legionnaires disease outbreak in Italy
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 3.05 MB
Patterns of care and cost profiles of women with breast cancer in Italy
Patterns of care and cost profiles of women with breast cancer in Italy
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 1.41 MB
Response Residence near power lines and risk of Alzheimer and Parkinson
Response Residence near power lines and risk of Alzheimer and Parkinson
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 310.56 KB
Vaccination take-up and health: Evidence from a flu vaccination program for the elderly
Vaccination take-up and health: Evidence from a flu vaccination program for the elderly
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 950.73 KB
Early-onset colorectal cancer in young individuals
Early-onset colorectal cancer in young individuals
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 975.88 KB
Effects of pollution, temperature and influenza on the excess mortality in winter 2016-2017
Effects of pollution, temperature and influenza on the excess mortality in winter 2016-2017
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 655.72 KB
I Tumori in Italia Trend 2003-2014
I Tumori in Italia Trend 2003-2014
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 3.52 MB
Characteristics of people living in Italy after cancer diagnosis in 2010
Characteristics of people living in Italy after cancer diagnosis in 2010
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 696.25 KB
Global surveillance of trends in cancer survival 2000-2014 (CONCORD3)
Global surveillance of trends in cancer survival 2000-2014 (CONCORD3)
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 7.02 MB
Prevalence of Pulmonary Embolism in patients with sincope
Prevalence of Pulmonary Embolism in patients with sincope
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 162.78 KB
Risk factors for breast cancer
Risk factors for breast cancer
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 84.17 KB
The impact of overdiagnosis on thyroid cancer
The impact of overdiagnosis on thyroid cancer
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 656.91 KB
Adherence to guidelines and breast cancer patients survival
Adherence to guidelines and breast cancer patients survival
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 823.4 KB
Algoritmo classificazione stato salute
Algoritmo classificazione stato salute
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 172.57 KB
Alzheimer disease and associated disorders
Alzheimer disease and associated disorders
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 166.86 KB
Cost of breast cancer
Cost of breast cancer
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 821.54 KB
Indicatori come strumento di governo della medicina territoriale
Indicatori come strumento di governo della medicina territoriale
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 1.13 MB
Valutazione del modello CREG
Valutazione del modello CREG
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 23.29 MB
Confronto di differenti metodologie per la definizione di indicatori
Confronto di differenti metodologie per la definizione di indicatori
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 709.76 KB
Indicatori per il monitoraggio dei percorsi del tumore della mammella
Indicatori per il monitoraggio dei percorsi del tumore della mammella
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 197.16 KB
Indicators based on registers and administrative data
Indicators based on registers and administrative data
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 214 KB
Studio di popolazione per la valutazione dell’efficacia della vaccinazione antinfluenzale
Studio di popolazione per la valutazione dell’efficacia della vaccinazione antinfluenzale
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 199.82 KB
Volume and outcomes after esophageal
Volume and outcomes after esophageal
Tipo: PDF
Dim: 791.44 KB